Wine Basics & Introduction to wine appreciation


The group will learn the different stages in wine tasting and how to assess quality. They will also write their own tasting notes and acquire the jargon to make their descriptions more appealing. By the end of the course, the students will be able to describe the main traits of the different grape varieties such as, the origin, where those varieties are grown, the most suitable climatic conditions for each of them, the sensory characteristics and the food affinity.

Dia di curso:Diaranson
Orario:6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Cantidad di ora:30 klokuur, minimo 3 ora pa siman.
Costo registracion:AWG 50,-  +  Costo curso (por varia pa cada curso/nivel).
Costo curso: AWG 200,-
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Periodo (2) 2021 augustus/september

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